Aquarius horoscope today

Aquarius horoscope May 16th, 2019

Aquarius summary for today:

It sounds like all is set to be on a lifting course for Aquarius, consolidating a feeling you had for a long time.
Your financial situation may bring the most benefits to the table, evolutions that seem to be here for the long run.

Aquarius love horoscope

A monotonous chapter is closing and a new more exciting one is opening, you could find out how someone close really feels about you.
Aquarius may be confronted with romantic gestures, events will tend to take on their own momentum.

Aquarius financial horoscope

Your financial balance should be on the plus side today, you could be presented with an investment opportunity.
With all you have learned from past events, marking a change for the better in your finances.

Aquarius happiness and karma

An atmosphere that resembles a fresh start is beginning to be sensed, building up confidence and self-esteem along the way.
These are the numbers that could lead the day for Aquarius: 24, 39, 47, and some of the colors that set the tone: pink, and royalblue.