Capricorn summary for today:
As of November 21st, 2024 our focus turns, as the Sun entered Sagittarius a celestial move that we have experienced for 8.6778334034375 days now.
Watching Venus enters Aquarius on December 7th, 2024 meaning that Venus’s power is the one that shines the most.
All signs point to a lower sway for Capricorn, taking a broader view, the adverse impact will be most felt in luck state, compensated in turn by constructive vibes for financial situation.
An important factor as well regards the direct route of the Sun, pushing things in a positive way, with 6.7506388187847 days left until it switches to a retrograde motion trajectory on December 7th, 2024, having a positive influence on your sign.
Keep your guard up at the start of this day but any discomfort should be brushed off as Sunday progresses.
Factoring in the discomfort brought by your luck state, your financial situation might increase your resolution.
Capricorn love horoscope
Even if tough situations appear, you will be helped to overcome them, conveying your feelings may seem natural.
An exchange of ideas can be the spark that Capricorn have been waiting for, intimacy can be deepened faster than you think.
Capricorn financial horoscope
Improvements are likely to occur in your finances, helping you enjoy the pleasant things in life more.
It’s clear that focusing strictly on financial issues is detrimental, leave room to enjoy other things in life.
Capricorn happiness and karma
Any action based on luck may not have the desired outcome, better wait on activities that rely on luck.
These few numbers might mark a certain importance for Capricorn: 39, 9, 24, helping the visual and mental part with purple, and indigo.