Gemini horoscope today

Gemini horoscope March 14th, 2019

Today’s Summary:

This day seems to have a positive note linked to it, Thursday looks like a carefree day in which private projects could be attended.
Even if your financial situation is not what is foreseen, your luck state might give a much-needed boost, some actions on your part are needed to guide all energies on the right part.

Love horoscope

Lots of uncertainty may appear in your love life today, keeping Gemini in a state of unease.
You could be confronted by an unexpected person, getting things moving forward will most likely seem as a burden at first.

Financial horoscope

Money horoscope

Money may be in short supply especially when it comes to personal expenses, this day could prove a bit difficult to navigate.
Try a bit of discipline regarding this aspect, planning ahead always help move over obstacles.

Happiness and karma

This looks like a day in which the universe conspires to help you giving a boost in situations in which you would otherwise feel trapped.
These few numbers might mark a certain importance for Gemini: 7, 22, 3, and some visual keys: fuchsia, and navy.