Virgo horoscope today

Virgo horoscope April 24th, 2024

Virgo summary for today:

As of April 19th, 2024 we see that the Sun entered Taurus having an effect on us for 3 days now.
Having Venus entering Taurus as the next big move from April 29th, 2024 provoking that the Sun’s influence is being felt as greatest.
Its impact on Virgo is higher than with other signs, in general, a constructive impact will be felt in love life, leaving the not so appealing consequences for luck state.
A crucial angle to also take into account is that the Sun is in its direct trajectory, blowing a positive air throughout, having 5 days left until the progression switches back to a retrograde motion after April 29th, 2024, having a positive impact on your sign.

All signs point to Wednesday as being a day in which particulary effective things will dominate having an effect on your day to day life.
Needless to say, this is a welcome swap in the scenery for Virgo boosting in special your love life over the period to come.

Virgo love horoscope

A thick fog seems to be lurking over Virgo love situation, you could face more criticism from a person very near.
Bring yourself to smile more and have a positive outlook on life, don’t stress too much, elements are at work in your favor.

Virgo financial horoscope

The prospect of an unexpected and unwelcome payment is likely, provoking you to come up with creative solutions.
Following a trusted advice can improve this, this should not last long and recovery will be step by step.

Virgo happiness and karma

It’s better that you don’t base decisions on luck this day, let any actions based on this for the following days.
These few numbers can mark a certain importance for Virgo: 48, 10, 1, keeping a visual reference with lavender, and violet.